Hot Car Color Trends – And Which Cars Wear Them Well

If you look at the most popular car colors on the road today you’ll notice that they are constantly changing, they follow fashion – the colors in the fashion industry are always changing and this is mirrored in new cars. People are, on the whole, incredibly color orientated, fresh colors and color trends can make a big difference to the success of every make and model of car.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular colors and the cars which wear them the best:

• Ferrari Red – aka the color every Ferrari wears, even if the paint is something a little different. The words Ferrari and red go together like peanut butter and jelly, this classic shade was first introduced in the auto racing world before WWII ravaged Europe and is still as popular and beautiful today as it has always been. Good choice Enzo . . . you certainly had an eye for beauty and an eye for color.


• Dodge Charger Yellow – they wear it so well. A fabulous shade labeled “Stinger Yellow” is the latest to hit the roads – loud, proud and confident, perfect for one of the ultimate muscle cars. This shade hasn’t been dredged up from the past, it’s more like old yellows evolving to make a bright and modern statement.
• Ford Mustang “Grabber Blue” – another blast from the past with a difference, this fabulous shade of blue fits perfectly with the Ford Mustang and is similar to many of the pastel shades so popular in the 1960’s. Ford aren’t the only ones to herald this revival – pastel shades are making a come-back on many modern makes and models.
• Pearl White – this has always been a very popular color with buyers at the upper most end of the motor scale, luxury car buyers love it and it first hit the roads with Audi in the middle of the 1970’s. It certainly made passersby stop and stare then and the latest version “Starfire Pearl” is dazzling its way into car dealerships across the country. At they have some fabulous pearl white cars available to give you a few examples.
• Black Metallic – this is certainly not the “you can have color you want as long as it’s black” type of black, and it’s not even the “mafia black” used by so many of the Mafioso to stay under the radar (if you know what I mean). The truth is that although many older drivers tend to steer clear of black in hot countries because it not only traps the heat but is also high maintenance, these new black metallics are proving to be very popular indeed. In high sunshine these blacks have a definite “midnight blue” feel about them. The Jaguar XF has the perfect physique to really make it work.


• Jeep Orange – can make a Jeep even cooler than it is to start with. Jeeps are exciting adventurers and what can be more exciting or adventurous than a bright, eye catching orange? The Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Orange are a color match made in Jeep Heaven.


Check out the great range of Jeeps and other cars at to see whatever else they have to take your fancy. Remember that although new car buyers need to be concerned about things like comfort, insurance premiums, safety and fuel economy choosing a bright, popular color of car can really help it to keep its re-sale value high – it’s true. Don’t forget to consider the color of your new car carefully.

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